Taking your British Shorthair on a trip, is it a good idea?

May 4, 2023

So, can I take my British Shorthair on my trip? Can cats travel by road? What precautions should I take? If you’re getting ready to take your British Shorthair on your next trip, don’t worry. We have prepared a guide with these and other questions!

Is it a good idea to take your cat on a trip? When we go on vacation, many of us consider taking our cats with us. However, these animals are known for their strong temperament! So, it’s normal for some doubts to arise when packing.

So, can I take my British Shorthair on my trip? Can cats handle road trips? What precautions should be taken? If you’re preparing to take your British Shorthair on the next trip, don’t worry. We have prepared a guide with these and other questions!

Do cats enjoy traveling?

Part of the characteristics of all felines is that they are very territorial. They love comfort and don’t feel well when they are outside of a familiar space.

Therefore, traveling with a cat can be a true nightmare for them. Veterinarians have no doubts: cats, in general, do not enjoy traveling.

Taking Your British Shorthair on a Trip:

Although it is not recommended to take your kitten on vacation, in some situations, they may need to hit the road. If that’s inevitable, here are some tips on how to make the journey more enjoyable:

Essential items: To avoid stress, the owner should bring as many familiar items as possible, such as their favorite toy, for example.

Food is essential: So, don’t forget to pack your cat’s food for the trip.

It’s important to visit a veterinarian before traveling.

Be cautious about escapes: If the cat is uncomfortable, there’s a high chance they will try to escape. Therefore, it’s important to take all necessary precautions to prevent escapes. Check exits, windows, and doors.

Prepare identification: Even with all the possible care, incidents can happen.

These procedures will not only ensure better well-being for your friend but also help avoid problems with inspections, such as when using a cat carrier for travel. So, remember:

Traveling by car: Always use a cat carrier. It should be large enough for the pet to stand and move comfortably inside. The carrier should be securely fastened with a seatbelt. Also, bring water, food, and plan breaks for your friend to rest.

Traveling by plane: It is also necessary to have a suitable cat carrier for air travel, in which the cat feels comfortable. The carrier must also meet the requirements of the airline.

Remember that you need to inform the airline in advance, and a fee will be charged. You will also need documentation with vaccines and other proof, varying according to the destination, to be able to bring your cat on the plane.

Thinking about your pet’s safety will make everyone more relaxed during the trip. Plan each step carefully to avoid any inconvenience during your vacation! Remember: trips should be relaxing for everyone, especially for your best friend!

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