Cattery British Village: Breeding Program

Our breeding program is based on love and respect for felines, with the goal of creating animals that bring joy and satisfaction to their future guardians. Our cats are carefully selected, receive individualized attention, and are raised in a loving environment to ensure their physical and emotional well-being.

Our breeding program is guided by the prioritization of the health, genetics, and temperament of our cats. Below, we detail the main guidelines that guide our program:

Careful selection of breeders: We meticulously choose our breeding cats based on criteria such as health, conformity to breed standards, temperament, and genetic history. We conduct health exams and genetic tests to ensure the quality and absence of hereditary diseases in our cats.

Family environment and proper socialization: Our cats are raised in a family environment, living with us at home. From birth, they receive individualized attention, affection, and socialization, which contributes to their healthy and balanced development.

Comprehensive healthcare: We prioritize the health of our cats and maintain a regular veterinary care program. They are vaccinated according to the recommended schedule, undergo routine examinations, and receive parasite treatment as needed.

Personalized and excellent nutrition: We ensure a balanced and high-quality diet for our cats, meeting their specific nutritional needs at each stage of life. We partner with renowned brands such as ND, known for offering superior quality food options.

Records and documentation: We maintain accurate and complete records of all cats, including pedigree information, genetic tests, vaccination records, and other healthcare details.

Respect for ethical principles: Our breeding program is guided by ethical principles and guidelines established by the breeder associations to which we are affiliated. We are committed to strictly following these guidelines, ensuring the integrity and well-being of our cats at all stages of the breeding process.

Ongoing support: Our dedication to the cats does not end when they find a new home. We stay in touch with the new guardians, offering continuous support, guidance on care, and tips to ensure a smooth transition and a happy life for the cats.

Enriching environment: We provide a stimulating and safe environment for our cats, with adequate space for play, exploration, and rest. We encourage activities that promote the physical and mental well-being of our felines.

Evaluation and selection of responsible guardians: We carefully select responsible and committed guardians who can provide a suitable and loving environment for the cats, ensuring they have a happy and healthy life after leaving the breeding program.

Physical activity and environmental enrichment: We encourage physical and mental exercise for the cats, providing toys, scratching posts, and activities that promote well-being and prevent boredom.

Relationship with specialized feline veterinarians: We establish partnerships with veterinarians who have expertise in specific cat care, ensuring individualized health monitoring. This partnership allows us to provide our cats with specialized attention, from routine examinations to specific treatments, ensuring their health and well-being throughout their lives.

Socialization from a young age: We start socializing the kittens early on, promoting positive interactions with humans and other animals. This helps them become sociable and confident cats.

Pre and postnatal care: During the pregnancy period, we ensure proper care for the mother, ensuring her well-being and health. After birth, we closely monitor the kittens, ensuring they receive the necessary care for healthy growth.

Commitment to breed improvement: We constantly seek to improve the British Shorthair breed through careful selection of breeders and sharing knowledge with other breeders.

Any Question?

If you have any questions about our kittens, any inquiries about the behavior of the British Shorthair, or if you would like to praise/criticize our cattery, please write to us. We are always available to assist you.

Rua Zuca Accioly, 1101 - Manoel Dias Branco - Fortaleza - Ceará //